How Branding Can Affect Eco-friendly Solutions

Large corporations have often been in a bad light for their contributions to the worsening climate. Many climate justice advocates believe that large corporations are the number one contributors to plastic waste, pollution, and deforestation. But what happens when a famous capitalist company creates a product that is presented as an eco-friendly alternative?

Cars and Climate Change

Cars have been one of the biggest contributors to yearly carbon emissions by emitting 29% of the greenhouse gases in the USA. The massive use of fuel creates the most greenhouse gas responsible for air pollution, smog, and even respiratory illness. For decades, many companies have been trying to provide a much more eco-friendly solution. Early creations of hydrogen cars, electric cars, and hybrid cars by companies like Hyundai were a miss for the public. It wasn’t until 2019 when Tesla became a game-changer for green-energy-powered cars.

Tesla’s debut started to peak at the same time when more people are advocating for climate justice. This timeline of events is convenient for Tesla. Because of its successful debut, Tesla evolved from a no-name to one of the most popular car brands in the USA.

But what could this mean for our environment?

How Branding Plays a Role in Eco-friendly Solutions

As mentioned earlier, the increased use of cars that run on gasoline has been a problem in climate change. As much as individuals have been advocating for more sustainable consumption of goods, it is no match for the emissions produced by the cars everybody uses. Telsa, on the other hand, has made its way to becoming mainstream. This means that more and more people are drawn to using their cars. With clever marketing strategies and how their cars coincide with the cause of combating climate change, there is no doubt that Tesla is subtly creating a movement.

Most of the people that use a Tesla car are often of the younger generations. These people are also the same people that are more environmentally aware and proactive. Because of this, Tesla has become mainstream and trendy in the market. Couple it with a CEO that is relatable and popular to the youth, it’s created a trend wherein you are “cool” when you own a Tesla Model X. Arguably. Tesla has become the Christian Dior of cars. Owning one has become a status symbol, given how expensive these cars are. This phenomenon is beneficial in the way that most people are now aiming to own a Tesla. 

The more Tesla’s popularity grows amongst people, the more it creates a competition for other companies to produce a car that offers the features of a Tesla car, if not better. That is being electrically fueled or gas-free. In the future, for as long as Tesla or electric cars are mainstream, most people may switch to buying these cars instead. It is a transition that can affect our carbon emissions.

But Are Cars Like Tesla Actually Sustainable?

In theory, they should be. Bu in a recent article published by Forbes Magazine, it is reported by Abaresque researchers that Tesla did not disclose any of its carbon emissions at all. So we will never know whether their cars are actually safer for the environment. But that does not mean all-electric cars are bad. A Chevrolet Bolt, which is an electric-powered car, produces fewer carbon emissions compared to gasoline-fueled cars. In terms of durability, though, these cars are pretty much the same as regular ones. Minor issues and customization can be handled by a complete auto care services company, just like regular cars. But since Tesla is software heavy, servicing can be exclusive. Regardless though, these cars are built to last. 

How Does This All Tie-in?

The competition Tesla creates unconventionally redirects consumers to greener options in automobiles. With Tesla marketing its cars to be sexy and trendy, it has the power to fuel innovation amongst other companies to make a better version of a Tesla. Such would entail much more eco-friendly engineering, affordability, and better overall specs. The more people see cars like Tesla, the easier it is for the globe to redirect and lessen our carbon emissions that are already taking effect in the climate.

Tesla does not set the standard for an ideal green-car company. Considering that they still hide their carbon emission statistics, they are a long way from becoming one. But we can give them credit for unintentionally promoting and showing the globe that engineering a usable and efficient electric car is possible.